A small statue of Ganesha is on a table in front of candles

Welcome to your self-awareness journey

I’m Kimberlea Smarr and I work with people who are looking for a way to organize the chaos of life and then find ways to enhance what it means to live life purposefully. I can help you organize your chaos to start living the life you’ve been craving.

Yoga and Wellness Mentor

Kimberlea Smarr is seated, leaning against a window sill. She has curly auburn hair, and is wearing a brown shirt.

You, beautiful human, are in the right place.

You are a beautiful and messy human being! This point of your life may not have been what you thought…are you struggling with depth, meaning, fulfillment? 

I totally get it.

The deep structure of yoga has supported me through raising 4 children, the dissolution of my marriage, and opened me to what a purposeful and joyful life can feel like. 

Kimberlea Smarr is sitting on a wooden floor. She is smiling, looking to the left. Her hands are in the Lotus mudra.
A person sitting on a bench with one foot on the bench and one foot on the floor. They have a yoga mat resting on the floor in front of them. There is a potted plant beside the bench.
An open, calm space with a lot of natural light. There are meditation pillows on the floor and potted plants in different corners of the room.
A woman is doing yoga in her home. There is a computer in front of her while she participates in an online yoga class.
A person is sitting on a beach. They are crossed-legged in a meditation pose.

Fluidity through the water element

Journey into the most adaptable, versatile and powerful element...water.  You are more liquid than solid.  This course is to help you embody and remember that you can flow with the river of life with more ease. Practice at home with with short but meaningful classes.

Body is the most cooperative part of self: you can’t find mind and heart if body isn’t already connected

I like to explore our relationship to space and gravity, pathways of weight, organs and glands and flow states. Body awareness is my main focus with any practitioner, client or student.  

Once we have an understanding of where we are in space and how to ground and centralize our movements our nervous system can regulate and feel more safe and at ease.  We can tap into our true nature which is versatile, adaptable, powerful and fluidity.  

Kimberlea Smarr is doing a handstand. The image is in black and white. The wall behind her has a mandala mural.

The Moving Center

Moving center is related to embodiment and movement.  It is located in the core and it organizes our movement into meaningful action.  It connects us and takes us from being arms and legs floundering around to an integrated moving center that is more powerful and adaptable.

Kimberlea Smarr's hand are intertwined as she presses her hands onto her heart, with her palms open.

The Feeling Center

Feeling center is our emotional intelligence and awareness. This is the heart.  The courageous feeling human heart.   Learning about the wisdom of our emotions and how that maps out in our body is essential to move things in and through us so nothing gets stuck.  

Kimberlea Smarr has her palms facing upward, with the backs of her hands pressed into her forehead. Her eyes are closed.

The Perception Center

Perception center is located in the brain/mind. Compassion, meditation, and rewiring your nervous system through mindful movement, reflection, and contemplation are all ways we can begin to lovingly scrutinize our tendencies and our maps of the world.  Our perception in our reality.  

Radically affirm what lies at the heart of your being

A close image of Kimberlea Smarr, lovingly giving herself a hug. Her eyes are closed and she is smiling.

For less than the cost of a latte

Can you give yourself 5 minutes a day to create a daily yoga practice that supports your body, mind and heart?  In the time it takes to boil water you could create a self-care practice that will build over time to become a meaningful gesture of nourishment.  Little by little, again and again is how create transformation in our lives! You can do this!

A black and white image of a woman with her head bowed and she brings her hands up before her face. Her hands are in a prayer mudra.

Your Journey Starts Here

Do you struggle with…

stress • physical discomfort • anxiety • injury • chronic conditions • motivation • self care
• depression • insomnia • limited range of motion • strength • focus • purpose • meaning

Book an extensive 90-minute evaluation and consultation with me. Your health history, lifestyle, current complaints, and goals are all taken into consideration. A personalized Yoga Prescription, treatment plan and follow ups are developed to address YOU as an individual.

Kind Words